Time now in Syria


The time is now according to the capital of the state of Syria in the city of Damas or dimashq: 08:16:14 AM

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Hour now at Syria
Country Syria
Capital Damas or dimashq
Date 2024-11-02
Hour in 12 system 08:16:14 AM
Hour in 24 system 08:16:14
timezone offset +03:00
TimeZone Asia/Damascus
Sunrise 6:55 AM
Sunset 5:42 AM
Latitude 33.4667
Longitude 36.25

Prayer times today in Syria :

  • Fajr = 5:28 AM
  • Sunrise = 6:55 AM
  • Duhr = 12:19 AM
  • Asr = 3:19 AM
  • Maghrib = 5:42 AM
  • Isha = 7:12 AM

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